Nude Beach in Puerto Rico? Boquillas Beach Could Be One

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Nude beaches in Puerto Rico are illegal. However, this doesn’t prevent locals from treating Boquillas Beach like one. Boquillas Beach is located behind the Natural Reserve, Hacienda La Esperanza, in the small municipality of Manatí.

Manatí is located 35 minutes west of the capital of San Juan; popular among locals for its unique beaches: Mar Chiquita, Poza de Las Mujeres, Cueva de Las Golondrinas, and Los Tubos.

Read on to learn more about Boquillas Beach and how it can be your ‘unofficial nude beach in Puerto Rico during your visit.

How To Find Boquillas Beach?

To find Boquillas beach, you only need your phone and Google Maps

Google Maps directions will look as if you are heading towards the nearby beaches of Poza de Las Mujeres and Cueva de las Golondrinas. But when you arrive at the parking area — a no exit, narrow road (no. 6684), supervised by locals — make sure to zoom in on your destination so you have a clear idea of where to walk to.

While walking towards the beach area, you’ll notice a trail that will resemble a small forest. We recommend traveling light since the trail can wear down first-timers if you get lost.

Since there is some wilderness involved in getting to Boquillas Beach, we suggest you bring some bug spray since you might encounter mosquitos. Also, keep a lookout for ‘cobitos‘ or hermit crabs roaming on the ground along with other species native to Puerto Rico, like the green iguana. 

If you follow Google’s walking directions, you should reach Boquillas Beach in less than ten minutes.

This should be your view when coming off the trail:

Boquillas Beach off-trail view

When you reach this point, all that’s left to do is walk towards the beach area, which should not take more than three minutes.

Although not uncommon, you might bump into people while on the trail or when walking towards the shoreline. Either way, make sure to practice social distancing measures and wear a mask. 

Look west when walking along Boquillas Beach shoreline. You will notice two more beaches. These can definitely be reached just by walking. 

However, at this point, you might be a bit worn out. So look out to the ocean, enjoy the sound of waves crashing on the rocks, open a cold Medalla, and bask in your hidden paradise — in the nude, if there is no one else in sight.